Managing Your Digital Reputation as a Young Researcher
Monday November 29th, 2021
1pm – 2pm
French presentation
If you are applying for a job or for funding or if someone else has noticed your work, then there is a strong chance that your name will be searched up on web engines. You will discover how to manage your digital reputation alongside traditional social networks. In order to do so, you will create profiles on strategic tools and build links between them: ORCID, Google Scholar, Wikidata, Publons, blogging your research, etc.
Pascal Martinolli is a librarian and is in charge of training at the Bibliothèque des lettres et sciences humaines at the Université de Montréal. He develops training offers to improve the informational skills of students. He holds a DESS in information sciences from the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers de Paris.
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