The Sharing of Scientific Knowledge… Stronger than COVID-19
An initiative by Mylène Falardeau

The recent progress in Canada of the COVID-19 virus has forced the government to take many radical actions in order to prevent and limit the spread of the virus, notably school closures and the cessation of all gatherings.

As many of you are aware, the month of March is the month celebrating scientific research at UQTR. Unfortunately, all events have been cancelled: Scientific Poster Contest, 3-Minute Thesis (3MT), and the AGE UQTR Multidisciplinary Colloquium for Graduate Studies.

But this does not stop at the UQTR, many other scientific conferences have also been cancelled, notably the one by the Canadian Society of Forensic Science (CSFS), which was taking place in May 2020.

I therefore invite you to stand up against COVID-19 and make sure that the sharing of scientific knowledge is stronger than this situation by posting here all the beautiful projects that you have made for these events.

You can share your projects the way you want (video, sound recording of your presentation, poster, etc.), what is important is sharing!!!

Shared Projects

Charest M, Grenier G, Cadola L, Muehlethaler C, Daoust B. 2020. Les encres de sécurité : Une solution à la contrefaçon (in French only)

Durand-Guévin A, Lavallée C, Cadola L, Crispino F. 2020. Évaluation et interprétation des traces d’ADN et de fluides biologiques au niveau de l’activité : état des connaissances (in French only)

Cuerrier-Richer E, Rogers TL. 2020. Ancestry catches up to modern times: A new technique evaluating morphological traits using 3D technology

Falardeau M, Daoust B, Muehlethaler C. 2020. L’analyse de la dégradation des polymères utilisés pour l’impression 3D d’armes à feu (in French only) – Oral presentation (in French only) on the same topic below

Letendre H, Gautier A, Prévost M-J, Daoust B, Muehlethaler C, Cadola L. 2020. Tatouage : l’encre que l’on s’injecte est-elle toxique ? (in French only)

Séguin K, Falardeau M, Cadola L, Crispino F. 2020. Les traces chimiques relatives aux résidus de tir : État des connaissances existantes (in French only)